Esquino Club - Wednesday February, 11 1925

Warm today
Bert went to Esquino Club1 dinner at Miller

brot a rubber rose home also a water bottle

Oneil's - Victrola2 acc't $10.00

Oneil's - Sweeper3 Acc't $6.20

Oneil's4 - Reg acc't $10.00

Polsky's5- Reg Acc't $15.00

Dinah for Dues $2.00

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1. The tranaslation for Esquino is Eskimo. Rubber Rose would be a plastic rose by todays terminology, which must have been a great amusement since rubber or celluloids were used sparingly in the 1920s.

2. Victrola - The Victor Talking Machine Company was founded by Eldridge Johnson in 1901, The term Victrola thus applies ONLY to internal horn phonographs made by the Victor Talking Machine Company, and is not a generic term for all old phonographs. In November, 1925, Victor introduced the "Orthophonic" Victrola, which could be what the family had purchased.

3. Sweeper, or vacuum cleaner

4. O'Neil's was a regional department store chain based in Akron Ohio. Founded in 1877, the store grew to several locations throughout northeastern Ohio. In 1989, the chain was merged with May Company Ohio.

5. Polsky's Founded in 1885 and also based in Akron Ohio, the Polsky reputation for fashion leadership goes back to 1890 when this store pioneered in the distribution of ready-made apparel.

1925 Victor Orthophonic

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to see a new post. I think it is really neat what you are doing with this blog. Thanks for all the research you do also that makes these really come alive. : )
